There are currently no confirmed upcoming events.
Past events
Die Angel: Brainwave Music, 30.-31.10.2021
Die Angel is a duo project of internationally renowned and recognized experimental electronic music pioneers Ilpo Väisänen (former Pan Sonic) and Dirk Dresselhauss (Schneider TM).
Turku celebrated the 10th anniversary of the European Capital of Culture in 2021 and this experimental and environmentally influenced performance, using electromagnetic waves from the brain and surrounding electric fields to create a sound piece, was part of the anniversary programme.
Audiences were limited due to the pandemic, but ten short (50-minute) performances allowed 120 people to watch the performance on site. In addition, a compilation of the performance was published on the Life on Leaf YouTube channel. The event, organised by Life on a Leaf Association, was supported by the Turku 2029 Foundation.
Sound and Structure, 19.8.2021
Halla Steinunn Stefansdottir, violinist and composer-in-residence at Arte ry, performed an excerpt from her work-in-progress, which combines city sounds and string music shaped by artificial intelligence. After the performance, Halla, Shawn Decker and Simo Alitalo discussed sound art. The number of people present was limited by pandemic, but a recording of the discussion has been posted on the association’s YouTube channel. The event, organised by Life on a Leaf Association, was supported by Svenska Kulturfonden.
Life on a Leaf symposiums
Life on a Leaf symposium 2:
Architecture/Art/Ornament/Happiness, 29–30.9.2018
29.9.2018 En kreativ workshop för studerande i konst och arkitektur vid Åbo konstakademi.
En workshop ledd av konstnär Jan-Erik Andersson och arkitekt Olavi Koponen, vars tanke var att sammankoppla konst- och arkitekturstuderande med varandra. I workshopen fanns deltagare från Aalto Universitetet, Bildkonstakademin samt Åbo Konstakademi. I kvällsprogrammet ingick ett besök i Life on a Leaf-huset.
30.9.2018 Öppet seminarium för allmänheten i Sibeliusmuseum i Åbo.
Keynote presentationer:
Jan-Erik Andersson is known for many imaginative environmental artworks and the Life on a Leaf house, which is also his doctoral work at the Academy of Fine Arts. Together with architect Erkki Pitkäranta he has creating several buildings and public spaces as collaborations. Andersson has lectured extensively, among others as invited in the architectural department at Yale, in Carleton architectural school in Ottawa and in the Henry Moore Institute.
Helena Sandman has been involved in numerous architecture projects in Africa and India as a part- ner of Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects and is one of the founders of Ukumbi NGO. She has reflected on how Northern aesthetics communi-cate with local cultures and how these can enrich each other. Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects’ projects were presented as part of the main ex- hibition at Venice Biennale, “Reporting from the front” in 2016.,
Ion Sorvin, Copenhagen, is the leader of the Danish art collective N55. They work by combin- ing artistic thought with architecture and design to create practical tools with which we, in a sus- tainable way, can deal with the environment and society. Instructions for their solutions are copy-right free and can be downloaded from their web site
Olavi Koponen is well known for his imagina- tive use of wood in detached houses, the most famous example being the Kotilo house in Espoo. Koponen works in Grenoble as a part of the R2K Architecte office. Recently he won the Wooden Building of the Year prize in France. Koponen is known for his bold opinions. He has also been a Professor of Arts., www.woodarchitecture. fi/architects/arkkitehtitoimisto-olavi-koponen
Life on a Leaf symposium 1:
Forskning, konst, arkitektur, stadsmiljö. Ett hus som forskningsstation, 19.6.2017
Stödgruppen för Life on a Leaf huset och AmosLAB ordnade den 19.6.2017 ett symposium i Life on a Leaf huset på Hirvensalo i Åbo. Under seminariet diskuterades utvecklandet av konstnären och doktorn i bildkonst Jan-Erik Anderssons uppmärksammade Life on Leaf hus till en forskningsstation, kopplad till Åbo Akademi och Turun Yliopisto.
Under seminariet och den efterföljande diskussionen söktes efter nya metoder och idéer för att huset på bästa sätt skall tjäna konst och vetenskap, samt verka som en nod för att skapa nya kontaktytor mellan universitet både i Finland och internationellt. I en värld där nya utmaningar kräver nya initiativ, kan konst och konstnärligt tänkande skapa mervärde även i den akademiska miljön? Hur kan verksamheten se ut när konst möter vetenskap? Hur ser vår nya miljö ut, där vi bygger upp vår framtid? Hur kan forskning och konst påverka den?
Stödgruppen för att utveckla huset, som verkat under ett år, vill konkret utveckla huset till ett residens, där forskande konstnärer eller akademiker ges möjlighet att verka i en unik och stimulerande miljö. Samtidigt är huset öppet för symposier, konserter, möten och annan verksamhet som vårt seminarium öppnar upp.
Opening speech by Cay Sevón. Introduction by moderator Bengt Kristensson Uggla
Keynote speeches
1. Robert Powell: Artists, the Art, & ´Place´. A Personal Journey
2. Jan Kaila: Artistic Research
3. Hanna Johansson: Art, the public sphere and semi-public houses